
It’s the end of Summer and you could take your mountain bike down your local river.

There are 5 months to go until Christmas. 3 months until the winter rains. Fortunately you have 9 days leave still to take. Combine that with a bank holiday and you’ve got two week to play with.

You need to squeeze every last drop out of every minute. So from one weekend warrior to another, here are some tips to help you along the way.

Tip 1 - every minute counts

Your not a student anymore. Is the 10 hour layover in Dubai worth saving £37.50 on your ticket? Be prepared to spend a bit more cash and get yourself to Guwahati in double quick time, then pay for a taxi to take you from the airport straight to your first river. I recommend the Umtrew; It’s close and it’s amazing.

Tip 2 - hire an exceptional local driver

If you are going to tick off the list of classics you’ve been dreaming of, you’ll need the perfect driver. Fortunately you’re in luck as we know just the guys for the job. Fire us off an email and we’ll see if we can sort you out.

Tip 3 - take your camera

Meghalaya is pretty. Take some photos to show your mum.

Tip 4 - whitewater isn’t everything

Take some time to discover Shillong, go to a music festival, head out hiking for a day.

Tip 5 - buy the guidebook

No really… buy the guidebook. We spent years running around in the jungle, getting attacked by leeches, losing kayaks, paddling through siphon-filled gorges and climbing around waterfalls. We did all of this so now you don’t have to. You can also laugh about our misadventures while you’re on the road to yet another classic.

Tip 6 - be happy

Let’s be honest… the river won’t be the perfect level, the vehicle will break down, your mate won’t tie the pan on properly to the back of his kayak and you’ll spend 2 days cooking noodles in tuna tins. But if your response to a adversity is to laugh, you’ll have a phenomenal time regardless.